HANG CLEAn warm-up
Hang cleans are a key component with our athletic training program. This is an effective way for athletes to improve their power, strength and force. This is one of the main warmup exercises to perfect when learning how to explode off the line.
Acceleration Lean Hold Technique
This technique helps with athlete acceleration. Learning how to hold an acceleration lean will help with faster acceleration on the field. If you don’t hold this position correctly and automatically, you can’t accelerate off the line the way you would hope. Correct form includes chest up, leaning forward, and punching the ground as you skip. In this video, explains how to properly position when working on acceleration holds.
This drill is a key component with our younger athletic training program. Along with educating our athletes on acceleration basics, lateral hurdle drills also help young bodies with maintaining body control. This is one of the first steps in learning how to run fast. Correct form includes forward-facing hips and steady arm swings with punching leg movements.