Dynamic Athletic Performance
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At Dynamic Athletic Performance, we believe that with perseverance and commitment, anyone can achieve their desired athletic results.  Our staff is committed to providing personalized training to help people of all athletic ages, abilities and skill levels reach their potential.  We are always looking for new ways to improve our training programs and offer our clients the best of what's available in the sports performance industry.

Not everyone's athletic journey is the same.  But, one thing that all powerful athletes have in common is their work ethic and the dedication to be great.  By taking a relationship approach to training, the coaches at DAP provide an effective speed training program dedicated to bring out athletic strength and movements in everyone.



Coach Mike Ruth grew up in Cape Coral, Florida.  Upon graduating from Cape Coral High School, he attended Averett University in Danville, Virginia.  While attending Averett, he was a 4 year letter winner on the football team while also serving the role as team captain during his senior season.  He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education with a concentration in Sport Medicine/Wellness.  Averett provided him the opportunity to work with Dr. Lee Burton, Co-Founder of the Functional Movement Screen.  Coach Mike started his career at Velocity Sports Performance (now Total Athletic Performance) in Naples, Florida in 2007.  While there, he was able to learn from one of the best in the Sport Performance business, Derek Touchette.  Through working in Naples, Coach Mike had the privilege of working with many future NFL stars, professional baseball players and many more aspiring athletes at every age and skill level.  Coach Mike is a Performance Enhancement Specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine.  He is also working towards being a Sports Performance coach through USA Weightlifting and being certified to conduct the Functional Movement Screen.  Coach Mike’s philosophy is to educate athletes on basic movement skills, instill the foundations of proper lifting techniques and to prevent injuries before they happen.  

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Married to Coach Mike, Elizabeth provides a helping hand with all aspects of Dynamic Athletic Performance.  From website design and marketing on social media to maintaining the books and coming up with new ideas, Elizabeth loves helping Coach Mike share the DAP experience from behind-the-scenes. Coach Mike and Elizabeth have three young athletes - Madison, Avery and Jace and you will often times find Elizabeth sharing The Ruth Family’s journey as athlete parents through the DAP Favorites website page and DAP’s Reels on Instagram. She also helps support our DAP Family through mindset and visualization education, sharing so much of what has worked with their own children for confidence and speed success. From courses to masterclasses and at-home training techniques to the foundation mindset - Elizabeth’s passion is to creatively share the heart of Coach Mike and The Ruth Family dedication to self-leadership with the world.



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